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Jean-Colas Prunier. How I created 3D animation for Avatar and Lord of the Rings and how will real-time 3D and VR technologies change the film industry

16 лютого 2017 Україна, Київ

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Квитки на захід "Jean-Colas Prunier. How I created 3D animation for Avatar and Lord of the Rings and how will real-time 3D and VR technologies change the film industry" (16-02-2017 – 16-02-2017)
Продаж квитків закінчився 16 лютого 2017 19:00
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Про захід

Jean-Colas Prunier, an expert in Visual Effects and entrepreneur will give a talk on February 16th, at Chasopys.

Jean-Colas has worked in the Visual Effects industry for more than 20 years. Inspired by a conference in which John Lasseter the world famous Toy Story director presented his early CG short films from Pixar, Jean-Colas decided to join ExMachina the foremost CG animation studio in Europe in the early 90s. He then moved to the US to work on breakthrough hardware-accelerated 3D rendering technology before joining ILM and shortly afterwards Weta Digital New Zealand where he worked on the Lord of the Rings trilogy, King Kong and Avatar among other films.

Jean-Colas is now in the process of creating a startup to develop a new kind of 3D application aimed at changing the way 3D animation for film, TV and VR is produced.

Jean-Colas will speak about:

  • his vision of the future with regard to technologies that are used in the production of animation content for TV, film and VR,

  • the trends in the film industry in terms of market,

  • his plans with regards to opening a development center here in Kiev.

If you are interested in technology used in producing film content, market trends with regards to the film industry and especially animation, visual effects and the new emerging VR market as well as topics related to the development of software projects and project management, come to Jean-Colas' talk.

The event will be held in English.

Date: February 16th.

Time: 7:00 PM.

Place: 'Chasopys' Creative Space, Lva Tolstoho, 3

Ticket price: 120 UAH

Registration is required.

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16 лютого 2017
початок о 19:00
Креативний Простір "Часопис"
Україна, Київ
вулиця Льва Толстого 3
